May 2022 Thank you

The first week of summer is always a slow week, at least in my office.  Everyone is relieved to be done with school, and excited for what the summer will hold.  Worry and sadness seem to have left the building.  It’s usually a few weeks into summer when my girls start coming back in and are feeling down.  Summer brings joy and anticipation for what’s to come after a busy year.  Summer also brings a lot of slowness to what were once jam-packed days.   

For some, summer brings stillness.  While most of us adults crave a slow down, our kids can sometimes struggle with the transition.  This week in my office, a few girls talked about their loneliness.  Some wondered what they’re going to do with themselves while all of their friends are at camp or on vacation.  Others talked about already feeling left out of get-togethers that they have seen happening without them on social media.   

One wise girl said to me, “If I am feeling alone this summer, my guess is that others are too.”  We talked about how the hustle and bustle of the busy school days can sometimes mask the loneliness we feel.  Then when summer hits, we are smacked in the face with a lot of time to ourselves.  Whether we realize it or not, just being around others can make us feel like we are not alone.  And the truth is, if we are feeling something, there’s a big chance someone else is also experiencing this. 

This wise and ever so spunky client of mine reminded me that sometimes the most comforting words we can hear are “me too.”  Both kids and adults crave these words.  Those words feel like a warm hug on days when we think everyone else is out having more fun, or hanging out without us.  So we did an experiment.  Together.  We both got out our phones and texted a few friends saying, “I need to hang out with some friends!”  Pretty immediately, we both received texts back saying, “Me too.”   

As with most days at Daystar, I left my office feeling like I learned something from these young but very courageous girls I get to see.   Your contribution is such a gift.  The conversations and the healing that is happening behind the white doors in this house are because of your generosity. 


Bailey Shoulders 

Girls’ Counselor