September 2021 Thank You

I’m writing to you as a boys' counselor at Daystar. I wanted to share a bit about how your generosity changes lives from the perspective of my therapist chair… Your donation to Daystar allows kids and their families to experience the life-long process of growing into the wholeness our Creator designed. Through interactions with staff and counselors, moments at Daystar create an enduring impact to families…Kids and parents alike gain skills that allow movement past a world full of obstacles. 

Just last week, I witnessed one of these moments in group counseling. Several young men were gathered sharing about the struggles in their life. Many of these obstacles were in some way connected to the anxiety that is so prevalent in our time. Then, into this moment, one voice spoke above the others and said “You do not need to worry about failing a class that you are not even taking.” His metaphor fell on all the group reminding them to recall all the times they have overcome struggles and obstacles in the past with each other’s help.

I paused the group and wrote the young man’s statement on the white board. The boys realized that sharing about their anxious thoughts, without hope and perspective, made their problems seem insurmountable. Worry had begun to dominate the room…Until one guy shared a hopeful perspective that chased worry from the room.  He reminded his friends of the skills they had learned, the encouragement they had shared and the times they had fought back against their anxiety. Next thing we knew, they all began telling success stories of overcoming things in school and at home because of Daystar’s constant message undergirded by HOPE. Daystar fosters skills that help move them through the world of obstacles we all face.

This little yellow house is full of people that view each child as sacred. They believe even the most discouraged child has the ability to be empowered by hope and learn invaluable tools to navigate a troubled world. It’s a joy for me to work here day after day.

YOU help make all of this possible. Thank you for sharing in hope with all of us. 


Don Logan

Daystar Boys’ Counselor & Group Leader