April 2021 Thank You

So often the kids and teenagers who walk through the doors of Daystar and quickly find it to be a refuge. They come willingly and eagerly week in and out to talk about their struggles and work through challenges. But now and then, our clients would rather be anywhere than our little yellow house. Occasionally, life has thrown them an awful curveball and this is just another “thing that won’t work”—at least that’s what they believe.

Last week, I sat with a teenager riddled with health issues and tired of appointments—a new client who longs to simply “be normal”. It was clear we’d reached an impasse only ten minutes into the session. Without hesitation she let me know that she would not talk to me, her parents were making her do this and she would not be back… one and done. After 30 minutes of working my therapeutic magic, I realized I was out of tricks and she was unwilling to talk and so frustrated she began to cry. Suddenly, it hit me: ask for one of our pet therapists. Within moments, Pippa scratched on my office door. Without missing a beat, I opened the door, sat a jar of treats next to my client, looked Pippa in the eyes and said, “If you want a treat, you’ll have to ask her” and pointed to my reluctant client. 

Pippa did the thing our pet therapists do, she brought approachability to the moment making the hard thing a little more doable. My client softer. For the rest of our session, we talked mostly about dogs and momentarily about life. One life touching another continues to make all the difference—even if that life is a four-legged furry life. 

As I settle into my role as a girls’ counselor here at Daystar, I continue to be grateful for way my steps have been ordered. I “quit my day job” mid-career to pursue a masters degree in marriage and family therapy never considering connections I made while working in girls’ ministry events (through which I met Melissa and Sissy) would come full circle. I’m thrilled to be here at Daystar. Thank you for your support of the work we do here at this little yellow house—we couldn’t do it without you. 


Amy Jacobs and The Daystar Staff