June 2021 Thank You

It’s been such a fun summer so far at Daystar this year—in addition to our offices being full of kids in individual counseling, we’ve also had both Hopetown and several day camps running at the same time. This summer,  I had the privilege of leading a day camp of 9 high energy middle school boys. We hiked, rock climbed, went to TopGolf, and played Laser Tag. 

We also tied our adventures around Nashville into a weeklong conversation about friendship, and how putting ourselves in another person’s mental shoes (empathy) builds trust and connection. On the last day, we did an activity called “chair time”, a Daystar favorite, where anyone that wants to can get up and sit in a special chair and call on people that want to speak encouraging words to them (the boys affectionately named it a “reverse roast”). I was so impressed with the way they spoke to each other, “You are such a good friend to me.” “Thank you for talking to me in the van.” “You are always there for people.” “I know I can trust you.” These are not the type of words normally exchanged between 12-year-old boys. Yet Daystar is a place where I hear kids talk to each other like this all the time…in groups throughout the school year, day camps, and at Hopetown summer sessions. I’m so grateful to be a part of this team and all that goes on in the summers to help boys and girls learn how to have deeper relationships and learn more about themselves..

Thank you so much for joining the effort to keep Daystar’s doors open. Your support this June of 2021 gives young people access to a place where they can find friendship when they’re lonely, inclusion when they’re outcasted, and hope when they’re hurting.


Alex Hopkins on behalf of The Daystar Staff