April Thank You 2019

“Mom, group was awesome tonight!”

“What did you all do?”, this mom of a 5th grade boy asked her son when she picked him up from Daystar.

“We drew hearts. In them, we put different colors that stood for different emotions, taking up however much of our hearts we feel those emotions right now.”

“That’s so cool. What was it like hearing about the other boys’ hearts?”

(By the way, we love that this mom asked this question. Digging deeper…not the obvious…and prompting empathy and awareness in her middle school son.) 

“It was so cool. I NEVER HAD ANY IDEA that other guys felt like I do. I never knew other guys my age are afraid of being lonely. Or afraid of being stuck in a locker, too.”

That’s it. That sentence right there is why we have group counseling at Daystar and have since the very beginning. Kids impact kids. They hear each other’s voices so loudly. They make a difference in each other’s lives. And to know that someone else feels like we do helps us feel less lonely, less afraid, and more secure—and just more okay with who we are and how we feel—than we would have ever felt otherwise. 5th graders or 50 year olds. 

Thank you for being a part of our ministry. Thank you for helping us help kids know they’re not alone. We’re so grateful for you. And grateful to join you in bringing hope to so many families and kids of all ages.



The Daystar Staff